Sunday, November 29, 2009

Biipiigwan Goes Emo!

Exciting (lamenting and sorrowful) news - Biipiigwan has gone emo! Our song titles are now the following:
Black Beaches and Black Seas of Sorrow
Vegan Sandwich Spread Heavily Salted By My Tears
The Self-righteous Battle Within
The Red Dagger of Sadness That Stabbeth At My Heart
Untitled ... (this one doesn't really change, but now the title is more ironic)
Crus-asphyxiation -or- Goth's Hooks

In other Biipiigwan news, Mike has been asked to leave the band for "persistent stupidity and inanity." He is now suing for legal custody of his bass.

1 comment:

  1. I'm suing for legal custody of the goddamned blog passord!

